That Mom Blog


New Year, New Beginning, New Me.

2011 was a wonderful year full of new discoveries and growth. I feel like I have had many accomplishments that I can be proud of. I think I have finally got the hang of this blogging thing. My wonderful business partner and I  put on two more successful Bump, Baby and Toddler Expo’s, and sold our very first license! The belly casting business has been continuing to grow at a great pace, and my skill has increased leaps and bounds. I have still been running back to back Baby Sign Classes, which I LOVE, and is really where all this entrepreneurial-ness came from. (Does all that make you feel tired just reading it??).

Of course with a New Year, comes the time to reflect and make changes to better your life if needed. Though I feel like I have been very successful in many aspects of my life, there are still some area’s that I need to work on.

First off, I want to do more with my boys. Get outside more, visit new places, and make new adventures. I also want to set a goal of doing a special activity with H at least once a week while his brother naps. Normally this time is spent with me catching up on work, and him playing with some of his toys we keep up and away while Q is awake. We both love the time to ourselves, but in only 10 months he will be starting school. I want to cherish as much time as I can with him.

Second, and maybe most important as it may factor in with the above, is I want to get healthy. I have a LOT of work to do in that department, and have already taken some steps toward change (joined weight watchers!). I have been overweight for as long as I can remember, and though I am a lover of curves and voluptuousness, I have long past the point where I feel healthy and attractive. Though I have had many times where I have decided to make a change, I have never been successful at actually sticking with it. 2012 will change that. I am taking a public stand to get healthy, and I hope that blogging about it will help me meet the goals that I need to.

In order to help keep on track with blogging, I have decided to take part in the NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) challenge of posting one post per day. While my blog will mainly be staying the same, sharing about life as a mother, entrepreneur, and crafter, I will also be regularly posting about my journey with weight-loss and getting myself back into shape. I look forward to putting it all out there, and hopefully receiving some support and encouragement on the way.

A very Happy New Year to all of my readers old and new. I am so excited for what 2012 will bring!